Monday, December 6, 2010

Players and How to be Them…

When I was a small child, I was given a small set (ok..2) of books called “Goops and how to be them” and the 2nd was called “Goops and how not to be them”. "Goops" are a series of children's books written about manners and etiquette more than 100 years ago by Gelett Burgess. With my own twisted outlook on things, I was reminded of these books when I decided to write this entry about a player-wannabe...

I have a profile (under the same name) on a website called “Asspig”. I was browsing around when I spotted this reasonably hot dude from Lexington, KY. I sent an email telling him I thought he was hot and this was the email chain copied and pasted straight from 'Asspig' email:

  • ME: gotta tell u...ur a nice lookin man
  • PLAYER: Thanks! Want to use me sometime? I love being totally dominated included tied in extreme bondage for hours and beaten and abused, degraded to the max, sexually and verbally abused, and fucked bare with no lube, forced to drink piss, spit even snot. Any guys into it can even shit in my face, and you can even take pix or video. I'm the slut who lets men do anything they want. Got a pic of any kind?
  • ME: I wanna use you
  • PLAYER: I'd love to be used by you. Maybe come to Lex, get a sleezy motel room, have on a mask or hood, I enter, you tie me up good and tight, gag me good, blister my ass, and do anything to me you want, and I never have a clue who you are because you keep the mask or hood on the whole time. I LOVE anonymous sex like that! Be totally fucked and sexually abused and degraded and have no idea who the guy was if I passed him on the street, but he'd know! You can take pix and vid of me too, doing anything, even eating shit if you'd like something that wild! Seriously.
  • ME: what up? ur blog needs HELP
  • PLAYER: fix it up for me. write or post anything you want about me on it. I'll reward you by letting you fuck my face and ass anyway you want.

..."I am not feeling nose-swatted.
I am not clutching my chest in shame."...

"Seriously." he says...Yeah right…so I send a pic and was told how “honored” he would be to have me use his holes. “Cool!” I think…I also notice that he has a blog on Blogspot as well…I navigate to it and find a bit of a mess. I eventually offer to help him with the site, which over the course of a couple of weeks I tried to clean up this mess of a blog and make it more pleasing to the eye, all the while I'm getting promises of hot sex. He had told me that I "Can't come to my house because my mother had to move in with me. Gotta get a motel or something." Now I kinda understand this because I am in a very similar situation currently, however this shold have been a major red flag for me. But I was thinking with the wrong head. As time wore on He finally tells me he's going to be at his mother's home and i could drive in and we could 'scratch each other's itch'. the day arrives and I call the phone number he has provided ALL over the internet; I get some guy who says his name is "Carter" and I have the wrong number. Now im mildly pissed, but decided to let it go. Not the first time I, or millions of others has been 'played' and will most assuredly not be the last...So I shoot off a pissy email and let it go.

About a week later the Player IM's me via yahoo IM posted on this page. asking me how to do this and how to do that in his blog. I tell him the how-to's and then I ask him if he's read his email. Player tells me "No" and I told him that I had called on the day in question. He says "But you said you were decorating for Christmas!" to which I advised I had put my plans off to fuck his ass and suck his cock. He reads his email and IM's back "so you're pissed at me...I'm sorry for the misunderstanding the number on the photo is wrong blah blah blah...So I tell him "No, I'm not pissed off; I'm just done". I'm sure Mr. Player was disappointed that I didn't get in the car and waste a trip to Lexington... and that was the end of that...until I started cleaning out my emails on 'Asspig' and found the ones above...I re-read them all over again and shot out this email:

Hey I had a re-think on this;
I told you I was not mad, and I wasn't, however I was in 'Asspig' going thru old emails and found one where you OFFERED ur ass and mouth to me anytime I wanted. Now I have taken u up on ur offer, worked my ass off on that blog of urs which you dont owe me for, although it would be nice to get naked and get in a pile...but I call and get someone on the phone named CARTER using the number you gave? you are ALL talk , dude!!! and yeah I think I AM pissed off after all...
I also sent an IM telling the shit-eating freak to change his BLOGGER password. In the process of deleting the jerk from this blog I noticed his precious sex advertisement blog/website is now 'Invitation only' I guess this is to keep me out of it and supposed to hurt me. Sorry dude, I am not feeling rejected or nose-swatted. I am not clutching at my chest in shame. I simply don't care! So I got played the fool. Oh well; Like I said earlier, not the first and not the last, however it IS the last time by this fool...Perhaps I should write a book; "Players and How Not to be One"...

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